About Us
What are short-term loans?
What are the minimum requirements for getting a short-term loan?
What about my credit history?
Will I need to print or fax anything?
How much does it cost?
What is the repayment process?
What happens if I am late on a payment or need to skip a payment?
What if I don't make a payment at all?
Is there an option to refinance an existing loan?
Is my personal information kept safe?

About Us

If you're in need of further information about short-term loans or submitting a short-term loan request form, please review our website's FAQs below. Our website offers an infomediary service that will attempt to connect you with independent, third party lenders and financial service providers who may secure a short-term loan for you. The operator of this website is not a lender, agent, or representative to any lender and does not make loan decisions.

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What are short-term loans?

A short-term loan, also referred to as a payday loan, is a loan that can be very useful for financial emergencies. Short-term loans are made for the purpose of assisting consumers with temporary financing to resolve immediate cash needs and should not be considered a long-term solution. The amount of the short-term loan is based on the amount of money a person makes and is determined by your lender. It is suitable for people with all credit types.

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What are the minimum requirements for getting a short-term loan?

There are certain requirements one has to fulfill in order to receive a short-term loan from a lender. Consumers must:

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What about my credit history?

Consumers with all credit types are welcome to submit a short-term loan request form. Consumers with bad credit history may get access to short-term loans depending on certain lenders. However, our website makes no representation that all consumers will qualify.

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Will I need to print or fax anything?

Part of the advantage of these short-term loans is that most of the participating lenders do not require papers to be printed or faxed in order to request a loan. However, it is important that you have a printer to print out the loan documents for your own records. We encourage you to reach out to your lender directly for more information.

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How much does it cost?

Submitting a short-term loan request form on our website is absolutely free. Please remember that we are not a lender and we do not provide lending services to consumers. Our website may receive payment for each qualified sale or payment for each potential customer referral. Any costs associated with specific short-term loans must be discussed with your lender directly as our website does not have access to this information. Only a lender can provide accurate information on the costs of your specific short-term loan.

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What is the repayment process?

Loan repayment processes differ depending on specific lenders and loans. Usually, the loan amount and loan fees are withdrawn from your checking account automatically on the due date of your loan by your lender. We encourage you to contact your lender directly with questions regarding your repayment process as only a lender can provide accurate information.

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What happens if I am late on a payment or need to skip a payment?

Lenders have their own policies pertaining to late payments and these may differ. Only a lender can provide accurate information on your specific loan terms and late payment consequences. Your lender's policy, including the additional charges you will incur, is detailed in the loan documents provided to you by your lender before you sign your loan document. Once you have signed your lender's loan documents, you will be expected to understand and abide by the loan terms including the additional charges and/or interest if your repayment is late. If you are not able to make the payments timely, please contact your lender directly for more information.

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What if I don't make a payment at all?

Only a lender can provide accurate information on your payment terms and fees. Your lender may charge additional fees in the event that you do not repay your loan. Please remember that refusal or failure to pay may result in legal action against you by your lender in an attempt to collect the loan amount, interest, and costs of collections. For more information, we encourage you to reach out to your lender directly.

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Is there an option to refinance an existing loan?

Loan renewal policies are largely governed by state law and vary among Lenders. Only a lender can provide accurate information on your specific loan terms. In states where rollovers or extensions are allowed, interest rates, and late fees may be added to the original loan amount by your lender and that can result in a substantial increase to the amount you will be required to pay back. Again, be sure to read your lender's loan agreement carefully and thoroughly before signing the initial loan contract. We encourage you to reach out to your lender directly for more information.

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Is my personal information kept safe?

Our website is committed to keeping consumer information safe from unauthorized access and takes several precautions to protect your personal information. We use robust industry procedures and safeguards, including encryption, to protect personal information. Our Company will never sell or share your information with unaffiliated third parties.

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